Friday, March 18, 2011


So, I've been crazy busy with the grooming, I no sooner get finished with a week than the next week is booked already. Guess people like what I'm doing although I'm still learning.

My hubby and I attended a Grooming Expo last month in Pasadena and I picked up a lot of tips from all the classes I attended and a certificate as well, so it was worth the money, no question.

We have found a house we want and have put a bid in on it but haven't heard back yet. I know that this house is mine, it just feels right. It needs a bit of work, but I like doing that sort of stuff and it will be my hubby's (Tracy) and mine, first house together. He moved into my house shortly before we got married and I think he might have felt a bit put out since it was already filled with my stuff. I tried to put his things in too, but it's not the same as having a house you pick out and decorate together. So, we are hoping for the good word this coming week.

As far as my art stuff is going, I'm not doing as much as I'd like, mostly because I only have one day off and that gets used up with CHORES... sigh... I manage to squeak some small stuff in tho.

Looking forward to the blogger's luncheon on April 9th, hope to meet a few folks and spread out my blogging wings!